Monthly Archive: January 2016

Let’s Talk Poo!

Okay, so poo is not everyone’s favorite topic of conversation, but bowel movements are one of the most important ways your body has to eliminate toxins.  Yes, you sweat out toxins, and urination is very important for toxin removal, but…
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Why Do I Choose Young Living Essential Oils?

Last week I ended my post with, “Why do I, and the naturopath I am training under, only recommend Young Living Essential Oils?” To begin, when you put any substance on your skin, it gets absorbed into your bloodstream and…
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Why So Many Haters?

At least once a week, I have someone send me an article touting the dangers of using essential oils.  If you type essential oils into any search engine, you will get a plethora of opinions, stories, and speculation on their safety…
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Gluten-Free Sausage Balls

Twas the season for sausage balls, at least that was the case at our house.  My kids know it’s Christmas when I start making sausage balls.  Because they are not the most healthy breakfast option, I only make them around the…
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The Road to Healthy

Who is walking this road?  Just by scanning my Facebook feed, a lot of people I know are on this road or at least starting “the walk” this new year. Some of us may be stuck on the shoulder; others…
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Under Construction

The story of my life:  Under Construction. There have been so many changes in my life over the past year that it has required the need to update my blog. Being the tech savvy person that I am, I deleted…
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